The Top Free Agile Scrum Tools You Need in 2023

Oct 12, 2023

Project management can be a complex process, particularly when you are using the Agile framework. Therefore, it is imperative to adopt the right tools to ensure seamless collaboration, effective task management, and optimal productivity. Here we will explore some of the best free Agile Scrum tools that you can utilize in 2023.

Table of Contents

  1. What are Agile Scrum Tools?

  2. Why Use Agile Scrum Tools?

  3. Top Free Agile Scrum Tools

  4. Criteria for Choosing Agile Tools

  5. FAQ Section

What are Agile Scrum Tools?

Agile Scrum tools are a type of project management software that specifically caters to teams following the Agile Scrum framework. They provide features and functionalities that enable teams to plan, organize, track, and manage their work in a flexible and adaptive manner.

Why Use Agile Scrum Tools?

In the Agile Scrum framework, teams work in short iterative cycles known as sprints. This approach requires constant communication, collaboration, and real-time updates. Agile Scrum tools facilitate this process by providing a centralized platform where team members can manage tasks, track progress, collaborate, and communicate effectively.

Top Free Agile Scrum Tools

Here is an overview of some of the best free Agile Scrum tools available in 2023:


An industry leader, Jira, is renowned for its robust Agile functionalities. It offers a comprehensive suite of features that cater to Agile teams, including issue tracking, Kanban boards, Agile Epics, and bug tracking. However, Jira can prove to be complex, requiring developers for setup and multiple integrations for cross-functional collaboration.


ClickUp is a versatile Agile project management tool that offers a rich array of features. It allows teams to create comprehensive project blueprints, track sprints, manage team communication, and monitor progress. ClickUp's free plan is highly feature-rich, making it an attractive choice for teams of all sizes.


Kanbanize combines Kanban-style features with business automation to provide a comprehensive virtual workspace. It's highly scalable, making it ideal for managing multiple projects. However, it's quite expensive compared to other free Agile Scrum tools.

GitHub Project Management

GitHub is a major Git server that allows developers to store code for a vast number of projects. It integrates with many other tools, making it easy for multiple team members to work on the same code simultaneously. However, GitHub lacks robust project management features, making it less suitable for comprehensive project oversight.

Planview AgilePlace

Planview AgilePlace is a comprehensive Agile project management tool that offers features such as timelines, project planning, chat, feed, and forum for communication, and task reports. However, the free version is very limited, and setting up the tools can be a long process with a steep learning curve.


Planbox is a scrum project management tool that allows you to manage everything from sprint planning to product releases. It offers an intuitive interface, advanced analytics, and collaborative task management tools. However, it is quite expensive compared to other free Agile Scrum tools.

Active Collab

Active Collab is an affordable solution for managing documents and simple tasks. It offers features such as labels, project progress, set recurring tasks, and workload management reports. However, it lacks a Gantt chart for comprehensive project oversight.


Proggio is a next-generation Agile project management tool centered around the team instead of tasks. It offers a top-notch visual presentation and provides project managers with an Agile tool to create full project blueprints for increased planning capabilities and team clarity. However, Proggio is not a free tool and may not be affordable for small teams or startups.


Codegiant is a comprehensive Agile tool that offers issue tracking, Kanban boards, and reporting features. However, it can prove to be complex for beginners and may require some learning curve.

ProProfs Project

This Agile tool enables you to manage everything from sprint planning to product release. It offers a comprehensive suite of features that cater to Agile teams, including issue tracking, Kanban boards, Agile Epics, and bug tracking. However, the free version is limited and requires multiple integrations for cross-functional collaboration.


Axosoft is an Agile Scrum tool that offers features such as time estimates, product backlog management, daily Scrum mode, and burndown charts. However, the free version is limited, and setting up the tool can be a long process with a steep learning curve.


Assembla is a cloud-based project management tool that offers a centralized platform where team members can manage tasks, track progress, collaborate, and communicate effectively. It offers a wide range of features that cater to teams following the Agile Scrum framework.

Zoho Projects

Zoho Projects is a cloud-based project management tool that offers various features that cater to the Agile Scrum framework. These include issue tracking, Kanban boards, Agile Epics, and bug tracking. However, Zoho Projects can prove to be complex and requires developers for setup and multiple integrations for cross-functional collaboration.


Asana is a versatile project management tool that offers a rich array of features. It allows teams to create comprehensive project blueprints, track sprints, manage team communication, and track their progress. However, Asana's free plan is limited, making it less suitable for comprehensive project oversight.


Wrike is an easy-to-use project management tool that works well for small Agile teams. It offers a comprehensive suite of features that cater to Agile teams, including issue tracking, Kanban boards, Agile Epics, and bug tracking. However, Wrike's free version is very limited, and setting up the tools can be a long process with a steep learning curve.


Trello is a popular project management tool that works well for small Agile teams. It offers a comprehensive suite of features that cater to Agile teams, including issue tracking, Kanban boards, Agile Epics, and bug tracking. However, Trello's free version is limited, and setting up the tools can be a long process with a steep learning curve.

Criteria for Choosing Agile Tools

When choosing an Agile tool for your team, consider the following factors:

  • The nature of the projects your team works on

  • The size of your team

  • Your budget for an Agile tool

  • The type of reporting and data you need

  • Your team's experience with Agile project management

FAQ Section

Q: Why use Agile Scrum tools?

A: Agile Scrum tools facilitate the Agile Scrum framework's process by providing a centralized platform for task management, progress tracking, collaboration, and communication.

Q: What are some of the best free Agile Scrum tools?

A: Some of the best free Agile Scrum tools include Jira, ClickUp, Kanbanize, GitHub Project Management, and Planview AgilePlace.

Q: What should I consider when choosing an Agile tool?

A: When choosing an Agile tool, consider the nature of your projects, team size, budget, reporting needs, and your team's experience with Agile project management.

Q: Are all Agile tools free?

A: While there are many free Agile tools available, some tools offer premium versions with additional features at a cost.

In conclusion, free Agile Scrum tools can significantly improve your team's productivity and efficiency. By considering your team's needs and the features offered by each tool, you can select the best tool that aligns with your project management goals. Whether you are working on a small project or managing a large team, there is a free Agile Scrum tool out there that can meet your needs.

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