Manage Your Health and Wellbeing with Notion Templates

Aug 24, 2023

In our hectic lifestyles, keeping track of our physical and mental wellness can often take a backseat. But, as the saying goes, "Health is wealth." And an organized approach to managing your health can make all the difference. Notion templates offer a fantastic way to monitor your health and wellbeing in an efficient, structured, and, most importantly, personalized manner. Join us as we explore a variety of Notion templates designed for managing different aspects of health and wellbeing. Whether you're seeking a template to track your moods, monitor your workout routine, or manage your medication schedule, we've got you covered.

Table of Contents

  • All-in-One Health Dashboard Notion Template

  • Health Management Template with Medicine Tracker

  • Habit Tracker Notion Template

  • Workout Planner & Tracker Notion Template

  • Meal Planner, Recipe Book & Grocery Tracker Notion Template

  • Gratitude Journal Notion Template

  • Allergy Tracker Notion Template

  • Workout & Food Diary Notion Template

  • Nutrition Diary Notion Template

  • Addiction & Sobriety Notion Template

  • Period Tracker & Ovulation Notion Template

  • Workout OS Notion Template

  • Health Dashboard Notion Template

  • Mental Health Notion Templates

  • How to Duplicate a Notion Template

  • FAQ

  • Conclusion

All-in-One Health Dashboard Notion Template

All-in-One Health Dashboard

The All-in-One Health Dashboard is a comprehensive Notion template that brings together various health-related trackers and logs into one platform. It offers two primary sections, Physical and Mental, providing an all-rounded approach to health management.

This template allows you to record your nutrition, activity, sleep, meditation, emotions, and much more in organized sections. It's an excellent place to start if you're looking to consolidate your health tracking efforts into a single hub.

Access the All-in-One Health Dashboard Notion Template Here

Health Management Template with Medicine Tracker

Health Management Template

HealthyMe is a robust health management system created within the Notion framework. It's an ideal solution for tracking your and your family's health records, doctor's appointments, and workout routines.

This Notion template includes a Medicine Tracker, a Physical Health board, a Mental Health board, and a Sports Management board. Essentially, it's a comprehensive health tracking system right inside your Notion workspace.

Access the HealthyMe Notion Template Here

Habit Tracker Notion Template

Habit Tracker Template

Habits shape our lives. Whether it's a habit of regular exercise, a balanced diet, or meditation, our day-to-day habits play a significant role in our wellbeing.

The Habit Tracker Notion template is designed to help you build healthy habits and break the bad ones. It offers a visual representation of your progress in different categories, allows you to set AM and PM routines, and helps you maintain a structured approach towards habit formation.

Access the Habit Tracker Notion Template Here

Workout Planner & Tracker Notion Template

Workout Planner & Tracker

Staying fit requires consistent workouts, and a well-planned routine can make a world of difference. The Workout Planner & Tracker Notion template is designed to help you define your fitness objectives, create personalized training programs, and track your progress.

Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or someone just getting started on a fitness journey, this Notion template can be an excellent companion.

Access the Workout Planner & Tracker Notion Template Here

Meal Planner, Recipe Book & Grocery Tracker Notion Template

Meal Planner, Recipe Book & Grocery Tracker

Nutrition plays a crucial role in our health and wellbeing. Eating balanced meals and avoiding impulse eating can bring significant positive changes to our physical health.

The Meal Planner, Recipe Book & Grocery Tracker Notion template is designed to help you manage your meals, store your favorite recipes, track your kitchen inventory, and plan your grocery shopping. It's a comprehensive solution for anyone looking to take control of their nutrition.

Access the Meal Planner, Recipe Book & Grocery Tracker Notion Template Here

Gratitude Journal Notion Template

Gratitude Journal

Gratitude can do wonders for our mental health. Regularly expressing gratitude can boost our morale and overall mood. The Gratitude Journal Notion template provides a digital platform for you to count your blessings and express your gratitude.

This Notion template includes a Gratitude Journal with prompts, visualization worksheets, a mood tracker, and planners. It's a comprehensive tool for boosting your mental wellbeing.

Access the Gratitude Journal Notion Template Here

Allergy Tracker Notion Template

Allergy Tracker

Managing allergies can be a challenging task. The Allergy Tracker Notion template is designed to help you organize all your allergy information in one place, track your medical appointments, and even identify potential allergies.

This Notion template provides a structured approach to allergy management, making it an essential tool for anyone dealing with allergies.

Access the Allergy Tracker Notion Template Here

Workout & Food Diary Notion Template

Workout & Food Diary

The journey towards fitness begins with consistent workouts and balanced meals. The Workout & Food Diary Notion template helps you log all your workouts, plan your meals, track your calorie intake, and add fitness goals.

This Notion template is a great starting point for anyone embarking on a fitness journey.

Access the Workout & Food Diary Notion Template Here

Nutrition Diary Notion Template

Nutrition Diary

Understanding how different foods affect our gut health can provide valuable insights into our overall wellbeing. The Nutrition Diary Notion template helps you track your food intake, learn about different foods, identify potential intolerances or allergies, and track your progress.

This Notion template is a comprehensive tool for anyone looking to improve their gut health and overall wellbeing.

Access the Nutrition Diary Notion Template Here

Addiction & Sobriety Notion Template

Addiction & Sobriety

Overcoming addiction can be a challenging journey. The Addiction & Sobriety Notion template offers a structured approach to help you break free from addictive substances and habits.

This Notion template provides a dashboard to visualize your progress, journal your thoughts, remind yourself of your reasons for choosing sobriety, and track your symptoms over time.

Access the Addiction & Sobriety Notion Template Here

Period Tracker & Ovulation Notion Template

Period Tracker & Ovulation

The Period Tracker & Ovulation Notion template is designed to help you stay on top of your menstrual cycle and fertility. This template allows you to monitor your current and past cycles, track symptoms and moods, predict future cycles, and manage doctor's appointments.

It's a functional and aesthetically pleasing tool to help you understand your body better.

Access the Period Tracker & Ovulation Notion Template Here

Workout OS Notion Template

Workout OS

The Workout OS Notion template is a comprehensive fitness tool to help you boost your workout performance. It provides over 150 illustrated exercises, 20+ training techniques, a built-in stopwatch, an integrated training report, and a muscle gain tracker for each exercise.

This Notion template is a must-have for anyone looking to optimize their workouts.

Access the Workout OS Notion Template Here

Health Dashboard Notion Template

Health Dashboard

The Health Dashboard Notion template is built on three pillars: health, wealth, and wisdom. For the health portion, it provides a dedicated space to manage your health-related information, track habits, and set reminders for health events and health insurance.

This Notion template is a simple yet effective tool to manage all your health-related information in one place.

Access the Health Dashboard Notion Template Here

Mental Health Notion Templates

Mental health is a crucial part of our overall wellbeing. Notion offers a variety of templates designed specifically for managing and improving mental health. These templates range from daily journaling templates and daily check-in templates to mental health support templates and healing journal templates.

Each of these templates has its unique features and benefits, helping you manage your mental health in different ways. Whether you're looking to start journaling, do daily mental health check-ins, or need a comprehensive mental health support system, there's a Notion template for you.

How to Duplicate a Notion Template?

Duplicating a Notion template is straightforward. On the top right corner of the template page, you'll find a "Duplicate" button. Clicking on this button will prompt you to log into Notion (if you're not already logged in) and duplicate the template for you.

Remember, templates with a lot of pages may take some time to duplicate. Be patient, and avoid refreshing the page or hitting the back button while Notion duplicates the template.


Q: What is a Notion template? A: A Notion template is a pre-designed layout or structure created within Notion, a powerful productivity tool. These templates can be used for various purposes, including project management, note-taking, data tracking, and more.

Q: How to use a Notion template? A: To use a Notion template, you need to duplicate the template into your Notion workspace. Once duplicated, you can customize the template to suit your specific needs.

Q: Can I customize a Notion template? A: Yes, Notion templates are fully customizable. You can add, delete, or modify any elements within the template to make it fit your requirements.

Q: Are Notion templates free? A: Notion offers a vast library of templates that are free to use. However, some creators also offer premium templates for a fee, which often come with advanced features and functionalities.


Managing your health and wellbeing is a crucial aspect of leading a balanced lifestyle. Whether it's tracking your workouts, monitoring your moods, or managing your medication schedule, Notion templates provide a structured and organized approach to health management.

Explore the different Notion templates listed above and choose the ones that best suit your needs. Remember, taking care of your health is an investment in your future, and with Notion templates, it's an investment that's well organized and easily managed.

Happy tracking!

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