Building Websites With Notion: An In-Depth Guide

Aug 18, 2023

In the digital age, creating your personal or business online presence has become a necessity. Whether you're an individual eager to share your experiences or a business endeavoring to reach a global audience, a well-crafted website is your window to the world. Now, imagine crafting such a website without a single line of code. Enter Notion, a revolutionary no-code platform that lets you build exquisite websites with ease. This comprehensive guide will explore the world of Notion websites, the templates available, and how to get started crafting your digital masterpiece.

Building Websites With Notion

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Notion

  2. The Appeal of Notion Websites

  3. Creating Your First Notion Website

  4. Exploring Notion Website Templates

  5. Notion Website Builders

  6. Notion Website Examples

  7. Customizing Your Notion Website

  8. SEO and Notion Websites

  9. Tips for a Successful Notion Website

  10. Frequently Asked Questions

1. Introduction to Notion

Notion is an all-in-one workspace where you can write, plan, collaborate, and organize. It's a tool that blends everyday work apps into one, making it an excellent platform for note-taking, project and task management, and database handling. But Notion's capabilities don't end there — it's also a powerful platform for creating web pages, making it a go-to solution for crafting personal and business websites.

2. The Appeal of Notion Websites

Notion websites are gaining popularity for many reasons. They're easy to create, requiring no coding knowledge or design expertise. The platform's user-friendly interface makes it simple to build pages, and the drag-and-drop feature allows you to arrange elements effortlessly. Also, Notion's robust suite of integrations means you can embed videos, forms, and other interactive elements directly onto your pages.

Moreover, you can instantly turn a Notion page into a public website with just a few clicks, making it highly accessible and easy to share. Plus, with real-time editing, any changes you make to your Notion pages are instantly visible to visitors.

3. Creating Your First Notion Website

If you're ready to build your first Notion website, here's a simple step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Plan Your Website: Define the purpose of your site and understand your target audience. Sketch out the layout and decide the sections and features you want to include.

  2. Create a New Page in Notion: This will serve as your website's homepage. You can design it to your liking, adding text, images, and other elements.

  3. Design Your Pages: Create individual pages for different sections of your website, such as 'About', 'Portfolio', 'Services', and so on. Customize each page to your preference.

  4. Establish Navigation: Add links on your homepage that connect to each section or page you've created. This will form the navigational structure of your website.

  5. Customize Your Layout: Use Notion's block system to creatively arrange your content. Utilize columns, grids, and text blocks to make your pages visually appealing.

  6. Add Interactive Elements: Enhance user engagement by incorporating buttons, contact forms, and embedded media.

  7. Test Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure your website looks good on mobile phones and tablets.

  8. Publish Your Notion Pages: Set the sharing settings of each Notion page to "Public". This will allow anyone with the link to view your content.

  9. Map Your Domain (Optional): If you have a custom domain, you can use a service like Notion-enhancer or to map your Notion pages to your domain.

  10. Share and Promote: Once your website is ready, share the link with your audience. You can also embed your Notion pages on other platforms like social media or blogs.

4. Exploring Notion Website Templates

While you can build a Notion website from scratch, using a template can significantly speed up the process. There's a wide array of Notion website templates available, ranging from personal websites and portfolios to landing pages and blogs. Here, we'll explore a selection of these templates, each with a link to the original, for your convenience.

Personal Website Template

This template is perfect for individuals seeking to create a comprehensive online presence. It includes sections for an 'About' page, blog posts, a portfolio, and a contact form. The minimalist design keeps the focus on your content.

Template available here

Job Board Template

Ideal for businesses looking to showcase their open positions, this template provides an organized and visually appealing job board. It offers a seamless way to update job listings and company information.

Template available here

Blog Post Template

This template is a fantastic option for those planning to run a blog on Notion. It allows you to write blog posts directly in Notion, creating a clean and easy reading experience.

Template available here

Portfolio Template

Showcase your work effectively with this portfolio template. It's ideal for artists, designers, and other creatives looking to display their projects in an organized and visually appealing format.

Template available here

Landing Page Template

Craft an engaging landing page for your brand or business with this template. It provides a fully functional drag-and-drop builder rooted exclusively in Notion, making it easy to customize and publish.

Template available here

5. Notion Website Builders

While Notion provides the basics for creating a website, several third-party tools can enhance your Notion website experience. They offer custom domains, improved SEO, and advanced styling options. Here are a few notable Notion website builders:


Super allows you to transform your Notion pages into fast, SEO-friendly websites complete with custom domains and fonts. It offers a variety of beautiful templates to kickstart your Notion website creation.

Super available here


Potion is a Notion website builder that offers fast site speeds, custom domains, and excellent SEO. It also provides a variety of templates to help you get started on your Notion website.

Potion available here


Fruition is a free and open-source toolkit for building websites with Notion. It allows you to create a website with custom URLs and offers additional features like adding scripts and styles to your Notion pages.

Fruition available here

6. Notion Website Examples

To give you a better idea of what you can create with Notion, here are some real-world examples of Notion websites.

Personal Website

This personal website, built with Notion and Fruition, showcases the individual's work and experiences beautifully.

View Notion Website

Business & Product Website

This business website, built with Notion and Super, features a detailed product catalog, company mission, and contact information.

View Notion Website

Documentation & Resources Page

This resource page, built with Notion and Super, is a comprehensive collection of help documents, tutorials, and resources.

View Notion Website

Blogging Website

This blogging website, built with Notion and Super, features a variety of blog posts, each beautifully formatted and easy to read.

View Notion Website

7. Customizing Your Notion Website

One of the major advantages of using Notion to build your website is the freedom to customize. You can tailor every aspect of your pages to your personal or brand style. Here are a few ways to customize your Notion website:

  • Colors and Fonts: Notion allows you to change the colors and fonts on your pages. You can apply different color schemes and font styles to create a unique look and feel.

  • Headers and Footers: You can use headers and footers to provide additional information and navigation links on your website.

  • Images and Videos: Notion supports embedding media directly into your pages. You can add images, videos, and other media to make your pages more engaging.

  • Interactive Elements: You can add interactive elements like buttons, forms, and tables to your pages. These elements can enhance user engagement and functionality.

8. SEO and Notion Websites

While Notion websites are easy to create, they may not offer all the advanced SEO features of traditional website builders. However, with the right approach and the addition of third-party tools like Super or Potion, you can enhance the SEO of your Notion website. Here are a few tips:

  • Use Descriptive Page Titles: Make sure each of your Notion pages has a clear and descriptive title. This can help search engines understand the content of the page.

  • Optimize Your Content: Ensure your content is well-written and relevant to your target audience. Use keywords appropriately, but avoid keyword stuffing.

  • Add Meta Descriptions: With third-party tools like Super, you can add meta descriptions to your Notion pages. These descriptions can help improve your search engine rankings.

  • Use Custom URLs: Custom URLs can make your pages more user-friendly and SEO-friendly. Tools like Super and Potion allow you to set custom URLs for your Notion pages.

9. Tips for a Successful Notion Website

Here are some additional tips to help you create a successful Notion website:

  • Keep It Simple: While Notion offers a lot of customization options, simplicity is key. Don't overcomplicate your design or layout. Keep your pages clear and easy to navigate.

  • Update Regularly: Keep your website content fresh and up-to-date. Regular updates can enhance your SEO and keep your audience engaged.

  • Mobile-Friendly: Make sure your Notion website looks good on mobile devices. A large percentage of web traffic comes from mobile, so it's essential to ensure a smooth mobile experience.

  • Test and Iterate: Don't be afraid to experiment with different layouts, designs, and content types. Test different options, get feedback, and iterate on your design.

10. Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about Notion websites.

Q: Can I use my own domain name with my Notion website?

Yes, you can use a custom domain name with your Notion website. You'll need to use a third-party service like Super or Potion to connect your custom domain to your Notion page.

Q: Can I upload files to my Notion website?

Yes, you can upload files directly to your Notion pages. Notion supports a variety of file types, including images, videos, PDFs, and more.

Q: Can I make money from my Notion website?

Yes, you can monetize your Notion website in various ways, such as selling products, offering services, or through affiliate marketing. However, Notion does not currently support e-commerce features, so you'll need to use a third-party service to handle payments.

Q: Can I track analytics on my Notion website?

Yes, with third-party tools like Super, you can add Google Analytics or other tracking codes to your Notion website.

Q: Is Notion good for SEO?

While Notion doesn't offer advanced SEO features, you can still optimize your Notion website for search engines. Use descriptive page titles, optimize your content, and add meta descriptions with third-party tools.

In conclusion, Notion offers a unique and user-friendly way to build websites, making it an excellent option for simple and elegant personal websites, portfolios, landing pages, and more. With a bit of creativity, the right template, and possibly a third-party tool, you can create a beautiful, functional Notion website that stands out. Happy building!

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